Night rest:
also Ryanair has to abide by the rules
There are very strict restrictions on night flights at numerous German airports. It goes without saying that Lufthansa would respect the rules and also get involved in working towards air traffic being as quiet as possible. It’s altogether different at Ryanair: the “at others’ cost” airline breaches the night flight restrictions at Frankfurt Airport like no other.
Noise limit for Frankfurt
At the beginning of November, the Hesse state government announced the new noise limit around Frankfurt airport. It was preceded by intensive discussions with the Frankfurt Flight Noise Commission (Frankfurter Fluglärmkommission), the Airport and Region Forum, Fraport, Lufthansa, Condor and BARIG (Board of Airline Representatives in Germany). Lufthansa welcomes the compromise reached on a voluntary basis.
Ryanair has many late night landings
The ban on night flights becomes effective in Frankfurt at 23:00. Aircraft may only land later in exceptional cases, such as in the case of storms. However, it would appear that Ryanair has timed its flight schedule too tightly. As such, between early September and the end of November 2017 over 180 Ryanair aircraft landed after 23:00. The Irish airline was responsible during its first year of activity in Frankfurt for up to 78 percent of all late night landings every month - and that is with a minimum share of the flight movements.
The Hessian Economic and Transport Minister Tarek Al-Wazir said: “Anyone who wants to take off and land in Frankfurt has to stick to the ban on night flights. This also applies to Ryanair.” The German aviation authority is now investigating the facts.
Ryanair delays
Fewer landings, yet more after 23:00.
Sources: Hessian Ministry for Economic Affairs, Energy, Transport and Regional Development; Mainzer Allgemeine Zeitung; Gemeinnützige Umwelthaus GmbH
Sources: Hessian Ministry for Economic Affairs, Energy, Transport and Regional Development; Mainzer Allgemeine Zeitung; Gemeinnützige Umwelthaus GmbH
Responsible air transport is possible
In contrast to this, the established airlines in Frankfurt behave responsibly. This includes, for example, time buffers in Lufthansa Group’s flight plans, so that only in absolute exceptional cases a special permission has to be utilised. Lufthansa adjusted its flight plan at an early stage and brought the last departure significantly forward from 22:45 to 22:15, as well as the last arrival.
The fact that Lufthansa Group is a reliable partner is also reflected in the continuous effort to invest billions in particularly quiet aircraft, and in advances in precision navigation. A current example: In collaboration with DFS and Fraport, Lufthansa has been testing the so-called Radius-to-Fix (RF) functionality since July 2017. It allows to fly high-precision circular path segments with a fixed radius and fixed starting point, to a unique standard of quality across Germany.
Calling for politics to support the commitment
Only financially strong airlines such as the Lufthansa Group can renew their fleets and play a part in quiet air traffic. Politics can assist them in this by ending national special charges. Specifically this means the abolition of air transport tax - which was, for example, reduced by 50% in Austria on 1 January - and co-financing of aviation security costs by the Federal Government.
Noise limit for Frankfurt
At the beginning of November, the Hesse state government announced the new noise limit around Frankfurt airport. It was preceded by intensive discussions with the Frankfurt Flight Noise Commission (Frankfurter Fluglärmkommission), the Airport and Region Forum, Fraport, Lufthansa, Condor and BARIG (Board of Airline Representatives in Germany). Lufthansa welcomes the compromise reached on a voluntary basis.
Further content on the topic
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Lufthansa’s efforts in noise reduction
For many years, the Lufthansa Group has applied numerous activities and measures to achieve a noticeable decrease of the unavoidable noise emissions in areas surrounding airports. The goal is to reduce noise at the source over the long-term and to develop optimized flight procedures together with system partners.